[archived content]


A Form is a Dialog that is not modal and is used as the basis for DFL Applications.


Like other Controls Form uses the controls property to add Controls to it. If you wish to remove borders and the title bar commonly associated with a Form use a formBorderStyle of FormBorderStyle?.NONE.


import dfl.all;

void main() {
        auto form = new Form;
        form.dockPadding.all = 5;

        auto hello = new Label;
        hello.text = "Hello World!";


module dfl.form;
public class Form: ContainerControl
public final IButtonControl acceptButton; [property setter]
public final IButtonControl acceptButton; [property getter]
public final void activate();
public Event activated(Form,EventArgs);
public static Form activeForm; [property getter]
public final void addShortcut(Keys shortcut,void delegate(Object sender, FormShortcutEventArgs ea) pressed);
public final void addShortcut(Keys shortcut,void delegate(Object sender, EventArgs ea) pressed);
public Color backColor; [property getter]
public final IButtonControl cancelButton; [property getter]
public final IButtonControl cancelButton; [property setter]
public final void centerToParent();
public final void centerToScreen();
public final void close();
public Event closed(Form,EventArgs);
public Event closing(Form,CancelEventArgs);
public final bool controlBox; [property getter]
public final bool controlBox; [property setter]
protected void createHandle();
protected MdiClient createMdiClient();
protected void createParams(ref CreateParams cp);
public Event deactivate(Form,EventArgs);
protected Size defaultSize; [property getter]
protected void defWndProc(ref Message msg);
public final Rect desktopBounds; [property setter]
public final Rect desktopBounds; [property getter]
public final Point desktopLocation; [property getter]
public final Point desktopLocation; [property setter]
public void destroyHandle();
public final DialogResult dialogResult; [property setter]
public final DialogResult dialogResult; [property getter]
public final FormBorderStyle formBorderStyle; [property getter]
public final FormBorderStyle formBorderStyle; [property setter]
public final Form getActiveMdiChild; [property getter]
public final bool helpButton; [property setter]
public final bool helpButton; [property getter]
public final Icon icon; [property setter]
public final Icon icon; [property getter]
public final bool isMdiChild; [property getter]
public final void layoutMdi(MdiLayout lay);
public Event load(Form,EventArgs);
public final bool maximizeBox; [property setter]
public final bool maximizeBox; [property getter]
public final Size maximumSize; [property setter]
public final Size maximumSize; [property getter]
public final MainMenu menu; [property getter]
public final MainMenu menu; [property setter]
public final bool minimizeBox; [property setter]
public final bool minimizeBox; [property getter]
public final Size minimumSize; [property getter]
public final Size minimumSize; [property setter]
public final bool modal; [property getter]
protected void onActivated(EventArgs ea);
protected void onClosed(EventArgs ea);
protected void onClosing(CancelEventArgs cea);
protected void onDeactivate(EventArgs ea);
protected void onHandleCreated(EventArgs ea);
protected void onLoad(EventArgs ea);
protected void onPaint(PaintEventArgs ea);
protected void onResize(EventArgs ea);
protected void onVisibleChanged(EventArgs ea);
public final double opacity; [property getter]
public final double opacity; [property setter]
public final Form owner; [property getter]
public final Form owner; [property setter]
public final Point parentCenter; [property getter]
public final void removeShortcut(Keys shortcut);
public final Point screenCenter; [property getter]
protected void setBoundsCore(int x,int y,int width,int height,BoundsSpecified specified);
protected void setClientSizeCore(int width,int height);
public final void setDesktopBounds(int x,int y,int width,int height);
public final void setDesktopLocation(int x,int y);
protected void setVisibleCore(bool byes);
public final DialogResult showDialog();
public final DialogResult showDialog(IWindow iwsowner);
public final bool showInTaskbar; [property setter]
public final bool showInTaskbar; [property getter]
public final bool sizingGrip; [property getter]
public final bool sizingGrip; [property setter]
public final FormStartPosition startPosition; [property getter]
public final FormStartPosition startPosition; [property setter]
public static bool supportsOpacity; [property getter]
public final bool topMost; [property getter]
public final bool topMost; [property setter]
public final Color transparencyKey; [property setter]
public final Color transparencyKey; [property getter]
public final FormWindowState windowState; [property getter]
public final FormWindowState windowState; [property setter]
protected void wndProc(ref Message msg);
[+] Inherited members
public static class Form.ControlCollection
public void add(Control ctrl);
public bool contains(Control ctrl);
public int indexOf(Control ctrl);
public int length; [property getter]
public int opApply(int delegate(ref Control) dg);
public int opIndex; [property getter]
protected final Control owner; [property getter]
public void remove(Control ctrl);
public void removeAt(int i);
public final int all; [property setter]
public final int all; [property getter]
public final int bottom; [property getter]
public final int bottom; [property setter]
public final int left; [property getter]
public final int left; [property setter]
public final int right; [property setter]
public final int right; [property getter]
public final int top; [property getter]
public final int top; [property setter]
public enum FormBorderStyle;
public class FormShortcutEventArgs: EventArgs
public final Keys shortcut; [property getter]
[+] Inherited members
public enum FormStartPosition;
public enum FormWindowState;
public enum MdiLayout;

Page last modified on July 18, 2008, at 03:11 PM