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DFL Bug List

Add possible bugs to this page.

Note that most of these are not exactly bugs but are minor issues or missing features, and most of them have simple workarounds.

  • Not thread safe except when using Control.invoke() or Control.delayInvoke(). Not exactly a bug.
  • backColor for Button doesn't work with the standard Windows button. This is a Windows restriction.
  • Control won't properly recreate. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • The documentation needs a lot of work.
  • ListBox's integralHeight member must be set to false when docking it. This is a Windows restriction with a workaround. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • TextBoxBase.wordWrap cannot be changed after creation. This is a Windows restriction. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • ToolTip relies on the Control's handle.
  • Form.showInTaskbar doesn't work with some form border styles. This is a Windows restriction with a workaround. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • ComboBox.dropDownStyle cannot be changed after creation. This is a Windows restriction. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • Some ComboBox events don't work correctly due to its child windows. This has been improved.
  • CreateParams cannot be used to create a non DFL window.
  • FolderBrowserDialog does not call the hook procedure.
  • FolderBrowserDialog will throw an exception if the "folder" is not a file system directory.
  • onPaint and paint for ListView are not used. Calling these caused drawing issues.
  • ListView only has alphabetical sorting and can't be re-sorted. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • Leftmost column header text of ListView must be left aligned. This is a Windows restriction with a workaround.
  • Using drag/drop causes random crashes. See this page for more information and workaround. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • ListView click callback only works if the mouse is dragged a bit before releasing the button.
  • Events for Splitter (splitterMoved and splitterMoving) should use SplitterEventArgs instead of EventArgs. This should be fixed in the current snapshot
  • Menus (and MenuItems) do not respond to the standard Windows Alt+& shortcut (e.g. Alt+F for a Menu defined with "&File") unless a control directly on the Main Form has focus, even if the Main Form window itself has focus. For example, if all controls are contained within a TabPage in a TabControl, the Main Form's Menu Alt-& shortcuts will not work. (more info and discuss)
  • In TreeView, when calling node.beginEdit manually, setting NodeLabelEditEventArgs.cancelEdit to true inside the beforeLabelEdit event causes an exception (often results in a less informative access violation). This also applies to setting tree.labelEdit to false. This does not appear to be the case with the built-in edit trigger. Setting cancelEdit seems to be expected behavior, and therefore should not result in an exception. (DMD2.031, DFL rev 81)
  • Typo: onSplitterMoved calls the splitterMoving and not splitterMoved event. Also, onSplitterMoved isn't called at the end of a move event.
Page last modified on September 01, 2009, at 11:45 PM