What is Drat!?
Drat! is a packrat parser library for the D programming language.
- Ever wanted to be able to use &!?*+ not only in regular expressions, but in your parsing rules? With Drat! you can!
- Sick of unreadable generated parser code? Drat! is a library, it needs no code generation step! All unreadable code is 100% hand-made!
- Do you want to be able to understand the parser you use? Not all in Drat! is trivial, but you have a sporting chance!
- Do you want your parser to be fast and linear in time? Drat! is!
- Do you want a frontend? Since v.0.20 there's one available!
The current (temporary) drawbacks of Drat! are:
- Documentation is very sparse right now, but the example programme is lavishly commented. I suggest a look at dratfront.drat, dratfront.d and dratest.d!
What's on the stove for the next version?
- Maybe someday I'll write some docs...
Why is it here?
For your convenience, and to help me to dump even more of my spare time into it! :)
Get it now, it's not as frightful as it used to be!
Drat! pre-alpha v.0.20
Appendix: Drat! Version history
- <2007.10.03 no version numbers, then v.epsilon - v.epsilon4 -- Pre-history :-)
- 2007.10.03 v.0.1 -- First release. Yay!
- 2007.10.05 v.0.11 -- Fixed inexplicable bug in dratest. (Yet it worked, don't ask why!) Removed annoying need to pass the source around during parsing by associating rules with the parser instance using them.
- 2007.10.05 v.0.12 -- Introduced findMatch and collectMatch. Some minor edits.
- 2007.10.29 v.0.13 -- Added templating to allow us to choose the result type of the rule functions.
- 2007.11.03 v.0.20 -- Added some kind of frontend, is self-hosting. Minor changes.
Incidentally here alse be...
Grace, my first try using D. Another lispy forth trying to solve the "too low level" problem. I view the results with mixed feelings... =)
A few test cases for Grace, dunno which of the work just now... %*)